Registration is here on MotorsportReg
For the second time, Bridge City Autosports is putting on the Ultimate Cone Extravaganza! No that is too cheesy… Cone Crusher Catastrophe! No…
Cone Challenge Weekend!
Friday – Test and Tune day – $30
Saturday – Ultimate Slalom Challenge and Team Relay Autocross – $75 (You may add $40 for Golden Pylon entry (double your winnings!). See below for more information.
Sunday – AX8 – Standard entry fees apply
$10 discount for full weekend entry
The Ultimate Slalom Challenge
- The Ultimate Slalom Challenge will be Saturday – either morning or afternoon. Check in and tech for the day will begin at 7am. Drivers meeting for the event at 8:45. Begin at 9am.
- USC rules:
- The event will be a straight, long, evenly spaced slalom down, turn around, and come back on a shorter, evenly spaced slalom
- The start and finish timers will be placed as near the entry and exit of the slalom as safely possible, so that acceleration speeds before entering and after exiting the slalom are not taken into account
- A running start is allowed – it is up to the driver to know how fast they can enter the slalom and keep in control
- Each cone is a 2 second penalty
- There will be 5 winners in ST (Street Tire), and 5 in RT (Race Tire).
- The Golden Pylon Ticket will cost an additional $40, and is for people who think they will win OVERALL FASTEST of both ST and RT and want to up their ante to get more.
- Golden Pylon Ticket – Wins the first place $250 cash PLUS an extra $300 to Tire Rack
- The amounts awarded are listed below. ($1100 cash stakes + $300 for Tire Rack/Golden Pylon)
1st: $250
2nd: $150
3rd: $100
4th: $50 + Free autocross event
5th: Free autocross event
Team Relay-cross
Teams will be drawn from a hat. No stacking teams!
- Team Relay-cross will be Saturday – this will be morning or afternoon, opposite the USC. Check in and tech will begin at 7am. Drivers meeting for the event at 8:45. Begin at 9am.
- Teams will consist of four or five (depending on turnout) drivers, picked from a hat
- This description will not suffice to really envision what the event is like – it is very easy to pickup, but is much easier shown than typed out.
- A baton will be passed, much like a relay race. The baton will be a small soft object (beanbag), that must be in the vehicle while the car is on course.
- A car will leave the start line, and approach the designated handoff area (an area kept roughly 10 feet from the approaching vehicle).
- A team member in the handoff area will then pass the baton into the car, and the car will proceed through the course.
- The driver may throw the object out of the finishing vehicle for another team member to retrieve and throw into the next car in line.
- The vehicle must have the baton inside before leaving handoff area.
- If the baton bounces off the car and onto the ground, the person passing the handoff may leave the handoff area and approach the car to retrieve it ONLY after the baton has hit the ground.
- Each team will get three to four passes at the course.
- Dual drivers are okay, but must run with at least one car between the drivers
- Cones are a two second penalty.
- A missed gate is a 10 second penalty.
- Members of the winning team will get a free entry to a future BCA event.
- When the first car leaves the line, a timestamp is created. When the last car finishes, another timestamp is created. That designates the teams overall time – which includes handoffs.
- Each cars start and finish is also recorded, which are than added with the above total time, to create the teams completed time.
- This means that if a car leaves the line too EARLY, and has to sit and wait at the handoff area for the previous car to finish and pass the baton, their time will be long. However, if a car leaves LATE from the start, then the handoff person has the baton and is waiting, which makes the teams total time longer.
- The goal is to time your start so that the finishing car passes the baton to the handoff person, and you arrive right as they are ready to pass it to you. This minimizes your run time AND the teams total time on course.