Bridge City Autosports | February 2023 Member Spotlight – George Emery
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February 2023 Member Spotlight – George Emery

February 2023 Member Spotlight – George Emery

Obligatory questions:
Name (yours, not the cars):
George Emery
Car(s) presently owned (and their name(s)?):
– 2017 Subaru Outback, the utility vehicle (because there’s no sport in it), named Blueberry, owned since new
– 2018 Ford Focus ST, autox car in STH class, named Pepper, owned since new
– Plus a number of rusting Fiat projects, a Lancia, & a big former U-Haul truck, purchased from 1988 through 2008
How long have you been racing, and what types of racing do you do?
Began autox in 1988 and my first Solo Nationals in 1994.  There was a hillclimb circa 2002.  Took a break from autox after 2006 Nationals until 2018.  Tried junker racing in 2009-10 with ChumpCar (now ChampCar), but decided keeping a junker running for 24 hours was too stressful, so concentrated on reaching early retirement by 2016.
How did you get into autocross?
A friend’s father-in-law, Bob Moon, was involved in autox and rally with a D Prepared Datsun 510.  My friend talked up an event at Clackamas Community College that several of us went to watch and then another at PIR, got hooked watching, so borrowed <cough> my dad’s turbo diesel Rabbit for the last event in the season on a rainy October day.  That was after putting another friend’s Volvo into a ditch near Clackamas Community College during an abortive attempt to attend an event there (oopsie!).
How do you get focused before/during an event?
Three course walks used to be my routine.  Of course, as one ages, I’ve found it now takes 4 course walks and naturally each course walk takes longer to complete now.  Between runs I’ll look at Solostorm data to see where I can improve, especially if I have a codriver.
What future plans do you have for your racing career (new car, new mods, new types of racing, etc.)?
Pepper has to last me quite awhile, so don’t expect much change unless I’m codriving y’all’s car(s).  Mainly I’ll continue my role as an autox ambassador, enabling drivers to find their happy place and encouraging National competition.
Outside of racing:
Where are you from, and how did you end up in Oregon/Washington?
My maternal granddad walked out here from Ohio one summer in the 1890s with his dad because his dad wanted to show him how to make a land deal.  They walked because the deal didn’t pencil out if they rode the train or even rode a horse.  They walked back home, too!
Shortly afterwards, the family moved to Lincoln, Nebraska and granddad had his financial and career ups & downs, yet managed to raise a family.  During the Great Depression, he was working for Union Pacific and visited Oregon briefly a few more times while on the job, which caused him to retire to Portland during WWII.  My parents eloped to Washington, DC, just before WWII and settled here following WWII, living in Vanport until dad went to U of O to finish his Bachelor’s degree.  And that eventually leads to me being born in Portland, Oregon.
Do you have a favorite hobby outside of racing?
And aside from sim racing, LOL?  Fishing and gardening.
What is/are your favorite food(s)?
Hashbrowns with onion, bell pepper, diced bratwurst, topped with tomato & feta cheese.  Beef stew.  Chocolate covered caramels.  Pepper pistachios.  Ice cream.  Popcorn.
The favorite car that you have owned?
Lancia Scorpion and Austin Mini.
Your dream car(s)?
Lancia Stratos.  How can anyone not desire a car having helmet bins in the doors?
Fact(s) that you are dying to share about you?
I am credited as a playtester for Magic the Gathering and contributed the damage system in Robo Rally.
Meaning of life:
If you could be any animal in the world, what animal would you be, and why?
A crow because they’re scary intelligent.
What was the best thing before sliced bread?
We hacked into your computer and downloaded your music list. I don’t want to be the one to spill your most embarrassing song, so why don’t you tell people what we found?
Caro Emerald “Liquid Lunch”
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